My automated Daily Health Report infrastructure
Back in the days when the Zero COVID policy was prevailing, our university introduced a Daily Health Report system. Students and faculty were mandated to submit a daily online form detailing their ...
Back in the days when the Zero COVID policy was prevailing, our university introduced a Daily Health Report system. Students and faculty were mandated to submit a daily online form detailing their ...
LDAP, the #1 way to get your graduation delayed (as has always been the meme around Tsinghua University), is every SysAdmin’s dream tool for their servers. As mighty as its rumors fly, LDAP takes t...
Recently I bought a mini PC looking forward to setting up a home router. It started quite well except the specs were higher than I anticipated. 8 GB RAM plus 128 GB eMMC - too much waste for “just ...
Linux 5.15 is shipped with a brand new driver for Microsoft’s classic NTFS filesystem, NTFS3. Unlike the decades-old open-source NTFS-3G project, which is based on FUSE and have always received cri...
Last month I set up my own Telegram bot for GitHub event notification. To receive GitHub events via webhook, a receiver is needed. True, it isn’t hard to write a Flask or Sinatra server and throw t...
Since years ago, containers have been a hot topic everywhere. There are many container softwares like Docker, Linux Containers and Singularity. It’s hard to say one understand what containers are w...
It’s 2021 now, and Adobe Flash Player has been end-of-life after December 31, 2020. There are many cases where you want to retain it, however. For example, you may want to keep enjoying an old game...
There’s a less-known feature of Jekyll that populates related_posts correctly with “related” posts, instead of the 10 latest posts when it’s disabled by default.
OpenSSH 8.2 is coming to the latest Long-Term Service release of Ubuntu, Focal Fossa (20.04), and has some breaking changes for users using an SSH Certificate Authority.
I recently retired a few old email addresses, and am currently going in a row to change email for accounts associated with those emails. Everything else went smoothly, with my Nvidia account being ...
This post originated from Lab 1 of course Compilers: Principles that I’m currently taking, in which we were required to write a flex program to parse a subset of the C language. The multiline comme...
Lately I’ve finally received my Raspberry Pi 4 (4 GB model), and I couldn’t resist the temptation to give it a try and see all the improvements that’s been reported for months.
Last time I wrote an article about NAT traversal using FRP, which has been my personal solution for exposing SSH access of machines behind NAT to the internet for a long time.
Earlier today I force-pushed to my repository USTC-RV-Chisel for testing purposes, without noticing that my local ref origin/master is 1 commit behind the actual master on GitHub. My friend pushed ...
Linux is the #1 open-source operating system nowadays, and many people are running a Linux distro, such as Ubuntu or Arch. Linux is also the most popular choice for a server OS.
It’s again when I want to find out what packages I have manually installed (or by a script) from the output of apt list, with all output on one line.
Have C or C++ project to build? You may think, “Yeah this is very easy, I’ll just call the compiler to do so”, and yes, let’s take a look at an example.
A quick step-by-step guide for those wanting to get in touch with Ubuntu in a virtual machine with minimal effort. For example, at the start of a semester of Operating System Concepts course.
This semester I have the course “Experiments of Digital Circuits”, the content of which is designing digital circuits using Vivado software, and writing Verilog code. Most of the lab papers require...
The TL:DR line: If you want my script, you can get it here.
As described in a previous article, Alpha-Beta pruning can be used to speed up minimax heuristic searching by pruning branches that will never be reached.
As a casual attempt to accomplish a Grand Assignment, I created a Reversi game with Python. The project is open-source on GitHub and you can view it with the link above.
How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example
For people new to template resolution and template type deduction in C++, they may have written this code and get confused why it doesn’t compile:
Laptops have usually at most four cores, and dualcores are probably more common. I have recently switched from quadcore to dualcore and I can confirm there is a limited number of use cases for quad...
Original post: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags by bobince on Stack Overflow
The 3rd-and-last experiment of course Web Information Processing and Application required us to create a recommendation engine, and “predict” the rating (1-5 stars) for 4M user-item pairs based on ...
After a plain request, an administrator of the SmokeDetector project added me under the Developers section of their team member list, which indicates that I am a known personnel for contributing a ...
Last year (maybe September? I don’t remember now) I switched my primary browser from Google Chrome to the new Microsoft Edge. It turned out to be a wise move and I’ve been with Edge for more than h...
As iBug no longer uses Mathematica himself, this keygen will not be updated or maintained anymore.
I just bought an Xbox One S controller yesterday, expecting it would pair with my Android phone via Bluetooth. I have learned that the key mapping would be a bit messed up because it’s a Microsoft ...
This is a translated version from the Chinese (original) script. The slideshow can be acquired here. For comments, please head to the Chinese version of this post.