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backTCP 实验报告

backTCP 是中科大 2019 年秋季《计算机网络》课程的一次实验任务

9 minute read

Make your GitHub Pages website faster with Cloudflare

This September I employed Cloudflare to optimize my website ( in various aspects. It turned out to be a brilliant move and Cloudflare has proved to be a great service to have.

4 minute read

Converting DFA to Regular Expression

This post originated from Lab 1 of course Compilers: Principles that I’m currently taking, in which we were required to write a flex program to parse a subset of the C language. The multiline comme...

1 minute read

My speech at Microsoft Summer Camp 2019

This is a translated version from the Chinese (original) script. The slideshow can be acquired here. For comments, please head to the Chinese version of this post.

10 minute read

Creating templated Systemd services

Last time I wrote an article about NAT traversal using FRP, which has been my personal solution for exposing SSH access of machines behind NAT to the internet for a long time.

2 minute read

Using SSH deploy keys on CircleCI

A year ago back I wrote an article on automating build & deployment of GitHub Pages website with Travis CI. It’s a great CI service at first, but since Travis CI has completely moved away from ...

2 minute read