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Managing servers with OpenSSH Certificate Authority

Since the addition of the website server for an external corporation, I now have 5 Linux servers to manage on my own. I also have 4 terminal devices that I use to connect to those servers: two of m...

6 minute read

How to change email of your Nvidia account

I recently retired a few old email addresses, and am currently going in a row to change email for accounts associated with those emails. Everything else went smoothly, with my Nvidia account being ...

1 minute read

Make your GitHub Pages website faster with Cloudflare

This September I employed Cloudflare to optimize my website ( in various aspects. It turned out to be a brilliant move and Cloudflare has proved to be a great service to have.

4 minute read

Converting DFA to Regular Expression

This post originated from Lab 1 of course Compilers: Principles that I’m currently taking, in which we were required to write a flex program to parse a subset of the C language. The multiline comme...

1 minute read

My speech at Microsoft Summer Camp 2019

This is a translated version from the Chinese (original) script. The slideshow can be acquired here. For comments, please head to the Chinese version of this post.

10 minute read