Minimal, Complete, Verifiable Example
How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example
How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example
As described in a previous article, Alpha-Beta pruning can be used to speed up minimax heuristic searching by pruning branches that will never be reached.
As a casual attempt to accomplish a Grand Assignment, I created a Reversi game with Python. The project is open-source on GitHub and you can view it with the link above.
Update December 2020
After a plain request, an administrator of the SmokeDetector project added me under the Developers section of their team member list, which indicates that I am a known personnel for contributing a ...
For people new to template resolution and template type deduction in C++, they may have written this code and get confused why it doesn’t compile:
Laptops have usually at most four cores, and dualcores are probably more common. I have recently switched from quadcore to dualcore and I can confirm there is a limited number of use cases for quad...