Keep using Flash Player in browsers in 2021
It’s 2021 now, and Adobe Flash Player has been end-of-life after December 31, 2020. There are many cases where you want to retain it, however. For example, you may want to keep enjoying an old game...
It’s 2021 now, and Adobe Flash Player has been end-of-life after December 31, 2020. There are many cases where you want to retain it, however. For example, you may want to keep enjoying an old game...
I’ll go straight to the solution (keep in mind that it’s considerably primitive, so use at your own risk) with code attached below. It’s a Tampermonkey userscript.
自从今年年初换了机场之后,我从 Shadowsocks-Windows 换到了 Clash for Windows。Clash 确实比纯 SS 好用多了,尤其是订阅功能,特别是订阅里还可以自带一系列分流规则。不过我用的那个订阅规则不够完善,想要自己添加一些。以前用 SS 的时候,我自己写了 PAC 脚本用于实现分流,当然可控性也更好,这次不方便用 PAC 了,就得研究研究 CFW 的功能了,...
1 概述
There’s a less-known feature of Jekyll that populates related_posts correctly with “related” posts, instead of the 10 latest posts when it’s disabled by default.
OpenSSH 8.2 is coming to the latest Long-Term Service release of Ubuntu, Focal Fossa (20.04), and has some breaking changes for users using an SSH Certificate Authority.
For all of us who are learning to use or developing with MySQL or MariaDB, it’s a common task to manually log in to the database for inspection. This is usually done with the mysql command line cli...