Creating templated Systemd services

Last time I wrote an article about NAT traversal using FRP, which has been my personal solution for exposing SSH access of machines behind NAT to the internet for a long time.

2 minute read

Using SSH deploy keys on CircleCI

A year ago back I wrote an article on automating build & deployment of GitHub Pages website with Travis CI. It’s a great CI service at first, but since Travis CI has completely moved away from ...

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How I saved a lost commit from GitHub

Earlier today I force-pushed to my repository USTC-RV-Chisel for testing purposes, without noticing that my local ref origin/master is 1 commit behind the actual master on GitHub. My friend pushed ...

2 minute read

Build a minimal Linux system and run it in QEMU

Linux is the #1 open-source operating system nowadays, and many people are running a Linux distro, such as Ubuntu or Arch. Linux is also the most popular choice for a server OS.

6 minute read

Bootstrapping Make

Have C or C++ project to build? You may think, “Yeah this is very easy, I’ll just call the compiler to do so”, and yes, let’s take a look at an example.

4 minute read

Setting up Ubuntu in VMware Workstation

A quick step-by-step guide for those wanting to get in touch with Ubuntu in a virtual machine with minimal effort. For example, at the start of a semester of Operating System Concepts course.

3 minute read