Access your Raspberry Pi remotely with SSH

Do you have a personal server at home but can’t access it from work or travel because your home doesn’t have a public IP? If so, then, this article is what you’re looking for.

3 minute read

Programming the On-Board SPI Flash of Digilent Nexys4 DDR

This semester I have the course “Experiments of Digital Circuits”, the content of which is designing digital circuits using Vivado software, and writing Verilog code. Most of the lab papers require...

less than 1 minute read

Alpha-Beta Pruning

As described in a previous article, Alpha-Beta pruning can be used to speed up minimax heuristic searching by pruning branches that will never be reached.

4 minute read

Making a Reversi game with Python

As a casual attempt to accomplish a Grand Assignment, I created a Reversi game with Python. The project is open-source on GitHub and you can view it with the link above.

3 minute read