My automated Daily Health Report infrastructure

Back in the days when the Zero COVID policy was prevailing, our university introduced a Daily Health Report system. Students and faculty were mandated to submit a daily online form detailing their ...

6 minute read

Overengineering Advent of Code 2022

Advent of Code (Wikipedia, link) is an annual event that releases a programming puzzle every day from December 1 to December 25. It’s a great chance to learn a new language or practice your skills.

9 minute read

Taking the 24 puzzle game to the next level

The 24 game is a classic math game where players try to arrange 4 integers into 24 using basic arithmetics (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). Thanks to its popularity, it’s now a...

19 minute read

Bootstrapping Make

Have C or C++ project to build? You may think, “Yeah this is very easy, I’ll just call the compiler to do so”, and yes, let’s take a look at an example.

4 minute read

Programming the On-Board SPI Flash of Digilent Nexys4 DDR

This semester I have the course “Experiments of Digital Circuits”, the content of which is designing digital circuits using Vivado software, and writing Verilog code. Most of the lab papers require...

less than 1 minute read

Making a Reversi game with Python

As a casual attempt to accomplish a Grand Assignment, I created a Reversi game with Python. The project is open-source on GitHub and you can view it with the link above.

3 minute read